Reasons to Hire a Car Accident Attorney
If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident that you know wasn’t your fault, you might be tempted to go it alone in an effort to get the compensation you deserve. It’s imperative that you hire a car accident attorney who has the skill, resources, and experience needed to give you the best chance of getting every penny that’s coming to you. If you don’t, you’ll have no chance at all – it’s as simple as that.
The McEwen Law Firm is ready to provide the legal representation that will help you see that justice is served. We’ve helped a lot of people in cases like yours, and we deliver positive results on a regular basis. If you would like to learn more about us, or you’d like a free evaluation of your case, give us a call at (651) 224-3833 or contact us online.
These are just a few of the many ways a car accident lawyer can help.
Knowledge of Law
McEwen Law Firm attorneys have a deep understanding of all facets of personal injury law and a great deal of experience holding at-fault drivers accountable for their negligence. We can’t overstate how important hiring an experienced attorney will be in your case. The opposition is going to be incredibly formidable and will have just as much knowledge of the law. There’s no chance you’ll win if you try to take on the insurance company’s adjusters and lawyers on your own.
It’s just as important, however, that your legal representative has the resources to conduct a thorough investigation into your case. That investigation is going to take time, and it’s also going to require spending some money. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to pay us anything upfront. In fact, you won’t pay anything at all until we win your case.
You Won’t Have to Speak with Insurance Companies Alone
You’re either recovering from an injury, or you’re spending a lot of your time caring for someone who has been severely hurt because of another driver’s negligence. You’re probably pretty vulnerable mentally, and that’s understandable. But the insurance company knows that as well, and they’re ready to take advantage.
If you have an attorney by your side, however, you won’t have to be subjected to any insurance company harassment. But that’s exactly what will happen if the insurer knows you don’t have an attorney working on your behalf.
They Can Contact Expert Witnesses to Support Your Case
There’s a very good chance that the insurance company will claim that you weren’t really as badly hurt as you claim or you were already hurt before the accident. You’re just trying to get someone else to pay for an injury you already had.
For example, suppose you were in a rear-end collision and suffered a neck injury, which is very common in that type of accident. The insurance company of the at-fault driver may say you had a previous neck injury – the wreck didn’t have anything to do with it.
If the insurer tries to play those tricks, an attorney will be ready to defeat those tactics. For example, they can call upon a medical expert witness to make your case stronger. They can show that you were, indeed, injured as a direct result of the accident – and you’re not trying to cheat anyone out of anything.
Your Car Accident Attorney will Collect Evidence and Prove Liability
The investigation mentioned earlier will be incredibly important because it will enable your attorney to gather the proof needed to show you weren’t to blame for the accident. Once that evidence is collected, your attorney will know who’s responsible and who should be targeted with legal action.
Your attorney can go to the accident scene and take pictures of the road conditions. Fresh skid marks, for example, could indicate that the truck was traveling too fast and the driver had to slam on the brakes as a result. Your attorney can also collect footage from nearby cameras that may have captured the accident and obtain “black box” data from the truck. This data will show the speed of the truck, whether there were any mechanical problems, and much more.
A truck accident is very complex since there are so many potentially liable parties. The driver could have been fatigued, and the trucking company may have failed to properly maintain the truck. The cargo could have shifted due to negligent loading, causing the driver to lose control.
An investigation will show the attorney exactly what happened and who to demand compensation from on your behalf.
Your Attorney Will Fight for the Highest Compensation Possible
You’ve not only suffered an injury but also monetary losses – known as “damages” in legal terms. Your damages include medical bills, money you’ve lost because you can’t work, and many others. But you will likely have other damages that aren’t that easy to calculate, such as mental and emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and more.
A skilled attorney, however, will know how to determine not only your tangible damages but your subjective damages as well. They’ll know exactly what your case is worth and work to get the full and fair compensation you have coming.
Your Attorney Will Advise You on Settlement Options
If you don’t have an attorney, you might be tempted to accept an insurance company settlement. While it might seem like a lot of money, it actually won’t come close to covering all of your damages. What if you need further medical treatment in the coming years? If you accept that settlement, you’ll be responsible for paying for that treatment – even though the accident wasn’t your fault. An attorney will make sure you don’t shortchange yourself.
And Take Your Case to Trial if Needed
Your attorney will do everything possible to convince the insurer that it will be in the company’s best interests to offer you a fair settlement as soon as possible. But if that offer isn’t forthcoming, your attorney will be well prepared to take your case to trial. The vast majority – as many as 80-90% — of personal injury cases never see the inside of a courtroom. At the McEwen Law Firm, however, we’re just as comfortable going to trial as we are negotiating an equitable settlement. We’ll be ready no matter what happens.
McEwen and Kestner Can Help Take the Stress Off Your Shoulders. Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation
Get in touch with a McEwen Law Firm car accident attorney to schedule a free consultation. You can use our online contact form or call (651) 224-3833.