Bicycle Safety for Spring
As spring arrives in Minnesota, you can bet many people will be heading out to enjoy the warmer temperatures and sunnier days in a variety of ways. One popular activity in the spring is riding a bicycle – whether it is for exercise, transportation, or simply recreation. During the winter, drivers may become more accustomed to having the roads to themselves and having to watch out for fewer bicyclists. As bicycle riders increase on the streets, it is important for them to remember some important safety tips to stay safe and avoid accidents.
Follow the Rules of the Road
While bicyclists have the right to share the road, they also have the same responsibility to follow the rules of the road. This includes signaling for turns, stopping at stop signs and traffic signals, yielding when appropriate, and more.
Wear the Proper Gear
Every bicyclist should have a helmet that meets federal safety standards set out federal law and enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). In addition, if you are riding at night, you should have the required lights on your bicycle and you should have bright and reflective clothing to wear so you are more readily visible to drivers.
Stay Aware
One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself on a bicycle is to stay as aware as possible of your surroundings, especially any traffic. Drivers commonly miss seeing bicyclists but if you are aware of the car, you can maneuver yourself to avoid a crash when possible. Simply by avoiding distraction and staying aware, you can improve your chances of a spring filled with accident and injury-free bicycle rides.
Call for a Free Consultation with Our Minnesota Bike Accident Lawyers Today
The bicycle accident attorneys at McEwen & Kestner, PLLC hope that everyone in Minnesota stays safe while either riding a bike or driving as spring arrives. However, if a driver does hit you and cause you injury while you are riding your bike, please do not hesitate to call our office to discuss what happened today. Call for free at 651-224-3833.